Javascript untuk tampilan blog dengan efek kembang api terbaru... widget kembang api ini menggunakan javascript super ringan jadi tidak akan memberatkan blog dan juga compatible dengan desktop browser terkini. Pemasangan widget ini sangat mudah tinggal copy-paste satu baris kode dan langsung bisa terlihat hasilnya di blog sobat, untuk contoh seperti yang terlihat pada postingan artikel ini. Buat yang suka kembang api di blognya monggo langsung ke TKP...
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- Klik Ctrl+F dan cari kode berikut: </Body>
- Copy-Paste kode di bawah ini tepat di atas Kode </Body> atau bisa juga di taruh di kotak gadget blog.
/** * You may use this code for free on any web page provided that * these comment lines and the following credit remain in the code. * Cross Browser Fireworks from http://www.javascript-fx.com */ /*************************************************/ if (!window.JSFX) JSFX = new Object(); if (!JSFX.createLayer) { /*** Include Library Code ***/ var ns4 = document.layers; var ie4 = document.all; JSFX.objNo = 0; JSFX.getObjId = function() { return "JSFX_obj" + JSFX.objNo++; }; JSFX.createLayer = function(theHtml) { var layerId = JSFX.getObjId(); document.write(ns4 ? "<LAYER NAME='" + layerId + "'>" + theHtml + "</LAYER>" : "<DIV id='" + layerId + "' style='position:fixed'>" + theHtml + "</DIV>"); var el = document.getElementById ? document.getElementById(layerId) : document.all ? document.all[layerId] : document.layers[layerId]; if (ns4) el.style = el; return el; } JSFX.fxLayer = function(theHtml) { if (theHtml == null) return; this.el = JSFX.createLayer(theHtml); } var proto = JSFX.fxLayer.prototype proto.moveTo = function(x, y) { this.el.style.left = x + "px"; this.el.style.top = y + "px"; } proto.setBgColor = function(color) { this.el.style.backgroundColor = color; } proto.clip = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { this.el.style.clip = "rect(" + y1 + " " + x2 + " " + y2 + " " + x1 + ")"; } if (ns4) { proto.clip = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { this.el.style.clip.top = y1 + "px"; this.el.style.clip.left = x1 + "px"; this.el.style.clip.bottom = y2 + "px"; this.el.style.clip.right = x2 + "px"; } proto.setBgColor = function(color) { this.el.bgColor = color; } } if (window.opera) proto.setBgColor = function(color) { this.el.style.color = color == null ? 'transparent' : color; } if (window.innerWidth) { gX = function() { return innerWidth; }; gY = function() { return innerHeight; }; } else { gX = function() { return document.body.clientWidth; }; gY = function() { return document.body.clientHeight; }; } /*** Example extend class ***/ JSFX.fxLayer2 = function(theHtml) { this.superC = JSFX.fxLayer; this.superC(theHtml + "C"); } JSFX.fxLayer2.prototype = new JSFX.fxLayer; } /*** End Library Code ***/ /*************************************************/ /*** Class Firework extends FxLayer ***/ JSFX.Firework = function(fwImages) { window[this.id = JSFX.getObjId()] = this; this.imgId = "i" + this.id; this.fwImages = fwImages; this.numImages = fwImages.length; this.superC = JSFX.fxLayer; this.superC("<img src='" + fwImages[0].src + "' name='" + this.imgId + "'>"); this.img = document.layers ? this.el.document.images[0] : document.images[this.imgId]; this.step = 0; this.timerId = -1; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.dx = 0; this.dy = 0; this.ay = 0.2; this.state = "OFF"; } JSFX.Firework.prototype = new JSFX.fxLayer; JSFX.Firework.prototype.getMaxDy = function() { var ydiff = gY() - 130; var dy = 1; var dist = 0; var ay = this.ay; while (dist < ydiff) { dist += dy; dy += ay; } return -dy; } JSFX.Firework.prototype.setFrame = function() { // this.img.src=this.fwName+"/"+this.step+".gif"; this.img.src = this.fwImages[this.step].src; } JSFX.Firework.prototype.animate = function() { if (this.state == "OFF") { this.step = 0; this.x = -200; this.y = -200; this.moveTo(this.x, this.y); this.setFrame(); if (Math.random() > .95) { this.x = (gX() - 100) * Math.random(); this.y = (gY() - 100) * Math.random(); this.moveTo(this.x, this.y); this.state = "EXPLODE"; } } else if (this.state == "EXPLODE") { this.step++; if (this.step < this.numImages) this.setFrame(); else this.state = "OFF"; } } /*** END Class Firework***/ /*** Class FireworkDisplay extends Object ***/ JSFX.FireworkDisplay = function(n, fwImages, numImages) { window[this.id = JSFX.getObjId()] = this; this.timerId = -1; this.fireworks = new Array(); this.imgArray = new Array(); this.loadCount = 0; this.loadImages(fwImages, numImages); for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) this.fireworks[this.fireworks.length] = new JSFX.Firework(this.imgArray); } JSFX.FireworkDisplay.prototype.loadImages = function(fwName, numImages) { for (var i = 0; i < numImages; i++) { this.imgArray[i] = new Image(); this.imgArray[i].obj = this; this.imgArray[i].onload = window[this.id].imageLoaded; this.imgArray[i].src = fwName + "/" + i + ".gif"; } } JSFX.FireworkDisplay.prototype.imageLoaded = function() { this.obj.loadCount++; } JSFX.FireworkDisplay.prototype.animate = function() { status = this.loadCount; if (this.loadCount < this.imgArray.length) return; for (var i = 0; i < this.fireworks.length; i++) this.fireworks[i].animate(); } JSFX.FireworkDisplay.prototype.start = function() { if (this.timerId == -1) { this.state = "OFF"; this.timerId = setInterval("window." + this.id + ".animate()", 40); } } JSFX.FireworkDisplay.prototype.stop = function() { if (this.timerId != -1) { clearInterval(this.timerId); this.timerId = -1; for (var i = 0; i < this.fireworks.length; i++) { this.fireworks[i].moveTo(-100, -100); this.fireworks[i].step = 0;; this.fireworks[i].state = "OFF"; } } } /*** END Class FireworkDisplay***/ JSFX.FWStart = function() { if (JSFX.FWLoad) JSFX.FWLoad(); myFW.start(); } myFW = new JSFX.FireworkDisplay(20, "http://javascript-fx.com/submitscripts/fireworks/fireworksImagePage/fw04", 21); JSFX.FWLoad = window.onload; window.onload = JSFX.FWStart;
- Keterangan :
Pada URL http://javascript-fx.com/submitscripts/fireworks/fireworksImagePage/fw04 merupakan folder untuk semua gambar animasi kembang api, apabila ingin memindahkan semua gambar animasi ke domain sendiri silakan di copy semua gambar animasi dan pindahkan ke domain pribadi, jangan lupa untuk mengganti URL folder gambar dengan URL folder gambar di domain anda. Jika tidak yaa gunakan yang sudah ada saja. - Klik "Save" dan lihat hasilnya
Oke sobat monozcore jangan lupa kritik dan sarannya yaa biar postingan berikutnya semakin unik dan menarik.. Buat yang masih bingung dengan pemasangan widget ini.. monggo ditanyakan lewat kotak komentar, email, facebook ataupun twitter monozcore... happy blogging...
.:Selamat Mencoba:.